Decomplexing water treatment plant

Purification plant, decomplexing, water treatment

The manufacturing process of a metal artifact can be divided into several phases, these processes carried out in sequence produce wastewater that contains a series of chemical substances that are complex among themselves.

These complexes make the purification of water difficult, the chemical-physical treatment in case of presence of metal complexes, must have a section of chemical decomplexing.

This phase is carried out by a dosage of a specific chemical reagent that breaks the complex and the chemical bond, this then allows the insolubilization of metals and the full flocculation of the wastewater to be discharged or recycled.

Pentacque has developed a line of products that inserted and dosed in the cycle of the physical-chemical plant give as a result the breakage of the complexes and allow to solve the problem of tabular limits.

This solution must also be evaluated from an economic point of view because in the restructuring or new design phase, the elimination of resin filtration stages allows a lower investment cost.

Chemical-Physical cycle

Selective resin filtration for chemical-physical metals

Absorbent carbon filtration, water treatment

Mechanical sand quartz filtration, chemical-physical plant

Dewatering sludge compaction, chemical physical purification

Dosage treatment chemical products, physical chemical plant

Concentrates treatment dosage, physical chemical plant

Sludge thickening, purification plant

Water sedimentation decantation, chemical-physical

Water flotation, chemical-physical purification plant

Chemical-physical plant, water flocculation

Advanced oxidation with ozone, water oxidation

Chemical Physical Plant, Water Dechromatation

Chemical-physical plant, De-cyanidation

Chemical Physical Plant, Fenton

Chemical-physical plant, absorption of organic substances

Chemical-physical water neutralization plant

Coagulants precipitation adjuvants chemical-physical plant

Chemical-physical water coagulation plant

Chemical-physical Water acidification plant

Chemical-physical homogenization equalization water plant
