The fashion accessory sector is a very particular industrial reality, the best technologies are used to offer and produce exclusive and quality products, the fashion accessory, produces from metal and not, buttons, studs, decorations, weaves, zippers, sliders, buckles and custom products.
The accessory sector is a reference for the industry, every season these companies produce new product lines with innovations and design.
During the production of fashion accessories, the raw article must be treated and coated.
The needs the fashion accessory sector has are: anti-allergic properties, protection of the item, high quality finish, high aesthetic effect, the galvanic coating of the fashion accessory must give all these properties.
During the preparation of the piece and during the galvanic electroplating process, wastewater is produced which must be operated with water purification treatment systems.
If the production of the manufactured articles is carried out on a frame, a complete recycling water treatment is indicated, in the case of a galvanic barrel plating production, a chemical-physical discharge or partial recycling chemical purifier is normally used, it is useful in this case to identify the precise working phases in order to use also recycling demineralization systems to improve the quality of the washings and reduce the volumes of water sent to the discharge from the treatment and purification plant.

The industrial water treatment plants normally proposed in the surface processing of metals and their alloys in the fashion accessory sector are:
- Ion exchange resin purification plants with backflushing or equicurrent ion exchange with total recycling.
- Heavy metal adsorption resin purification plants
- Continuous chemical and physical purification plants
- Chemical-physical sewage treatment plants in batch
- Galvanic sludge dewatering plants
- Plants for the concentration or vacuum evaporation of eluates and galvanic concentrates
- Absorbent filtration plants for EDTA surfactants and organic substances by recycling or discharge
- Cyanide oxidation plants
- Pentacque, thanks to its experience developed in the galvanic sector, proposes the combination of some technologies that working in parallel, create purification plants with zero discharge or partial discharge by dividing the wastewater of the galvanic production line by type, and by treatment characteristics.